Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

Action Script

Action Script

Call a movie or swf file
1.       Please make a file swf before
2.       Make a button, i.e. kind of job, description, place of work
3.       Right click in kind of job button→action
4.       Please write
1.       on (release) {
2.             loadMovieNum(“your file.swf”,0);
3.       }

Using stop , pevious, and next action in scene by scene
·         Stop
1.       Make a simple workspace of scene by scene.
2.       Make a new layer, then label with stop
3.       In timeline, right clickaction
4.       Please write
1.       Stop ();
5.       If in timeline appears alpha symbol (α) that means your action stop is work

·         Previous and next
1.       Make a simple workspace of scene by scene
2.       Make a new layer special for next and previous button
3.       Right click in previous button actions
1.       on (release) {
2.             prevFrame ();
3.       }
4.       Right click in next button actions
1.       on (release) {
2.             prevFrame ();
3.       }


Unknown Web Developer

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